Cracks in the Curriculum: Sweet Rebellion (2019 – 2020)
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Between September 2019 and September 2020 Jacob and Rudy Loewe have been developing resources for schools and young people as part of a residency in the education department. The text below is from the Serpentine Galleries website.
Artists Jacob V Joyce and Rudy Loewe invited artists, activists and educators working in primary, secondary, further and higher education to rethink the ways we talk about colonialism and its legacy in schools.
How can we resist colonial ideas within the National Curriculum and reinsert Britain’s accountability? How did Britain build its wealth and how does Britain continue to profit from colonialism? How can we highlight colonialism as an ongoing issue that impacts peoples lives today?
Through the workshop, participants used drawing and discussion to challenge how we talk about the impact of colonialism, and develop research towards a practical resource that can be used in history and geography classrooms. The session centred on the history and production of sugar, the biggest – and deadliest – type of plantation in the British Empire.
This workshop was held at Black Cultural Archives, 1 Windrush Square, London, Brixton SW2 1EF. The venue is fully wheelchair accessible. We were pleased to offer bursaries for people who would otherwise be unable to attend the workshop due to travel costs or childcare commitments. BSL interpretation was available on request.
Cracks in the Curriculum is a workshop series and publishing platform that aims to bring artists and educators together to think about how to address pressing social issues in the classroom.